by Michael C. Misja Ph.D., JoAnn Streeter Shade D.Min.
Paperback: 230 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1500393576
ISBN-13: 978-1500393571
Christian counselor Michael Misja and clergywoman JoAnn Shade outline a model of transformative change that awaits those who desire to open their hearts more and more toward God. The authors introduce four shifts of the heart that lead the reader to the movement from deception to honesty, the desertion of shame and blame for the path of personal responsibility, the abandonment of fear for courage, and the passage from pride to Christlike humility. Dr. Misja and Dr. Shade draw upon their extensive experience in counseling, human services, and pastoral ministry as they wrestle with the challenges facing the twenty-first century Christian who desires a closer walk with God and a deeper level of Christian maturity.

What people are saying…
“Michael Misja, along with his brother Chuck, co-founded North Coast Family Foundation, a Christian counseling center in Cleveland and Akron. Through the nearly thirty years he has been involved in counseling and psychology, he has taught counseling to undergraduate and graduate students as well as pastors and lay leaders. For several years he hosted a daily radio call-in program for counseling and social issues. Mike and Chuck’s book on marriage, Thriving Despite a Difficult Marriage was nationally recognized as a valuable resource to help couples. He has done extensive writing and speaking on psychological and spiritual growth and change. JoAnn Streeter Shade has walked alongside many people in a variety of ministry settings for more than thirty-five years. She has ministered in Salvation Army congregations and social service programs in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio, and counseled part-time at North Coast Family Foundation, the Christian counseling center in Northeast Ohio where she and Mike were colleagues. Now in semi-retirement in Ashland, Ohio, she works part-time at a Salvation Army corps and shelter in Wooster, Ohio, does consulting work at the Massillon Museum, and writes a weekly column for the Ashland Times-Gazette. She is also the author of more than fifteen books, including The Other Woman: Exploring the Story of Hagar, The God Gallery: Images of the Holy, Rapha’s Touch: Healing from Sexual Abuse and Family Connections: Reflections of a Smitten Grandmother. She combines her academic training with a writer’s eye, a pastor’s heart and a grandmother’s joy as she serves the body of Christ through Gracednotes Ministries.”